What does it cost to take our CDL “A” truck driving course?
Keep that in mind as you compare truck driver training schools. Many schools hesitate to quote their price. Or they’ll tell you that the price depends on your situation. But at Trainco®, we tell you up front what your training will cost, what you’ll learn, and how long it will take. You’ll find no hidden charges or fees. And once you have your CDL, you have the potential to earn a great living.
Trainco accepts cash, check, and credit card. We work with American Loan and Lending (A.L.L.) to provide private loans to qualified students. A.L.L. was founded in 2013, and is totally dedicated to assisting Trainco students by offering tuition financing through short term loans. Applicants with good credit but temporarily out of work, and those with “bruised” credit who provide co-signers, are encouraged to apply. Call Julie at 419-837-2945 to schedule an appointment.
We also accept clients from government funding programs including Michigan Works and the Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services.
And if you’re one of America’s veterans, Trainco warmly welcomes you – and deeply appreciates your courageous service. Our Perrysburg campus is VA-approved.